Gaussian Sampling Example

This example demonstrates the usage of the implemented Gaussian sampling techniques. As all samplings possess a common interface for drawing samples of standard normal and arbitrary Gaussian distributions, they can be easily exchanged or their performance compared.

Each sampling has its own methods (if any provided) for setting up the respective sampling techniques. For example, the sample spread of the UKF, or the number of samples for the Gaussian LCD sampling and the simple random sampling.

The samples generated by various Gaussian sampling techniques are not unique or random to a certain degree.

Moreover, if a new Gaussian sampling technique will be implemented in the same manner, it can be easily exchanged with existing sampling techniques without any significant changes to the existing code.

The following example code can be found in the toolbox's examples.


An illustrative example how to use the GaussianSampling (sub)classes.
function GaussianSamplingExample()
    % An illustrative example how to use the GaussianSampling (sub)classes
    % This example demonstrates the usage of the implemented Gaussian
    % sampling techniques. As all samplings possess a common interface
    % for drawing samples of standard normal and arbitrary Gaussian
    % distributions, they can be easily exchanged or their performance
    % compared.
    % Each sampling has its own methods (if any provided) for setting up
    % the respective sampling techniques. For example, the sample spread of
    % the UKF, or the number of samples for the Gaussian LCD sampling and
    % the simple random sampling.
    % Moreover, if a new Gaussian sampling technique will be implemented
    % in the same manner, it can be easily exchanged with existing sampling
    % techniques without any significant changes to the existing code.
    % Setup Gaussian sampling techniques ...
    % Sampling from the Unscented KF with
    % double weighted sample at the origin
    samplings{1}.name = 'UKF';
    samplings{1}.sampling = GaussianSamplingUKF();
    % Sampling from the 5th-Degree Cubature KF
    samplings{2}.name = '5th-Degree CKF';
    samplings{2}.sampling = GaussianSamplingCKF();
    % Symmetric Gaussian LCD sampling (from the S2KF / PGF) with 21 samples
    samplings{3}.name = 'Symmetric LCD';
    samplings{3}.sampling = GaussianSamplingLCD();
    % Aymmetric Gaussian LCD sampling (from the S2KF / PGF) with 21 samples
    samplings{4}.name = 'Asymmetric LCD';
    samplings{4}.sampling = GaussianSamplingLCD();
    % Sampling from the Randomized UKF using 10 iterations
    samplings{5}.name = 'RUKF';
    samplings{5}.sampling = GaussianSamplingRUKF();
    % Sampling from the Gauss-Hermite Kalman Filter
    % with 3 quadrature points per dimension
    samplings{6}.name = 'Gauss-Hermite';
    samplings{6}.sampling = GaussianSamplingGHQ();
    % Finally, simple random sampling with 100 samples
    samplings{7}.name = 'Random';
    samplings{7}.sampling = GaussianSamplingRnd();
    % ... and plot their respecitve samples in the 2D case ...
    % ... for the standard normal distribution ...
    % ... and for a 2D non-standard Gaussian.
    mean       = [0 0]';
    covariance = [ 2.0 -1.5
                  -1.5  1.5];
    gaussian   = Gaussian(mean, covariance);
    % By changing the view of each plot one can see the different
    % sample weightings for different sampling techniques.
    plotSamplings(samplings, gaussian);

function plotSamplings(samplings, gaussian)
    % Iterate through all sampling techniques
    for i = 1:numel(samplings)
        subplot(2, 4, i);
        % Setup sub plot
        hold on;
        grid on;
        axis equal;
        set(gca, 'XTick', -4:2:4);
        set(gca, 'YTick', -4:2:4);
        set(gca, 'XLim', [-5, 5]);
        set(gca, 'YLim', [-5, 5]);
        set(gca, 'ZLim', [-5, 5]);
        % Select between standard normal and non-standard case
        if nargin == 1
            % Sample from the 2D standard normal distribution
            [samples, weights, numSamples] = samplings{i}.sampling.getStdNormalSamples(2);
            % For drawing confidence interval
            mean = zeros(2, 1);
            covariance = eye(2);
            % Sample from the given Gaussian distribution
            [samples, weights, numSamples] = samplings{i}.sampling.getSamples(gaussian);
            % For drawing confidence interval
            [mean, covariance] = gaussian.getMeanAndCov();
        % Set sampling plot title
        title(sprintf('%s - %d samples', samplings{i}.name, numSamples), 'FontSize', 10);
        % For better visualization, all weights get scaled
        % so that the maximum weight is at a value of 6.
        % By changing the view of each plot one can see the different
        % sample weightings for different sampling techniques.
        weights = 5 * weights / max(abs(weights));
        if numel(weights) == 1
            % Gaussian sampling techniques only return a single scalar
            % weight in case of equally weighted samples. Hence, for the
            % visualization we have to repmat the weight
            weights = repmat(weights, 1, numSamples);
        % Plot weighted samples from sampling #i
        stem3(samples(1, :), samples(2, :), weights, ...
             'bo', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 2);
        % Draw confidence interval of 95%
        plotCovariance(mean, covariance, 0.95, 'k-', 'LineWidth', 1);

function handle = plotCovariance(mean, covariance, confidence, varargin)
    % covariance = V * D * V'
    [V, D] = eig(covariance);
    sigma = sqrt(diag(D));
    phi = atan2(V(2, 1), V(1, 1));
    scaling = sqrt(chi2inv(confidence, 2));
    extent = scaling * [sigma(1) sigma(2)];
    handle = plotEllipse(mean, extent, phi, varargin{:});

function handle = plotEllipse(center, extent, angle, varargin)
    a = 0:0.01:2*pi;
    s = [extent(1) * cos(a)
         extent(2) * sin(a)];
    ca = cos(angle);
    sa = sin(angle);
    s = [ca -sa
         sa  ca] * s;
    handle = plot(s(1, :) + center(1), s(2, :) + center(2), varargin{:});

Execute the example with

>> GaussianSamplingExample()

and you should get figures like this:

Samplings of a Standard Normal Distribution

Samplings of a standard normal distribution

Samplings of a Normal Distribution

Samplings of a normal distribution