The EKF class implements the extended Kalman filter and its iterative version.


Enable the iterative measurement update

Enable the iterative measurement update with the setMaxNumIterations() method. Additionally, you can check for convergence, i.e., if no further iterations are required, with the setConvergenceCheck() method.

Enable measurement gating

Enable measurement gating with the setMeasGatingThreshold() method.

Use a semi-analytic measurement update

Enable a semi-analytic measurement update if a measurement model does not require all state variables with the setStateDecompDim() method.

Enable post-processing of the predicted state estimate

Set a post-processing method for the state prediction with the setPredictionPostProcessing() method.

Enable post-processing of the updated state estimate

Set a post-processing method for the measurement update with the setUpdatePostProcessing() method.


  • Dan Simon, Optimal State Estimation, Sec. 13.2–13.3, 1st ed. Wiley & Sons, 2006.